Tag Archives: Hokusen Maru

Hokusen Maru

g. Hokusen Maru (known by many POWs as the Benjo Maru or the Haro Maru) — On October 1, 1944 approximately 1,100 POWs boarded the Hokusen Maru at Pier 7 in Manila. They suffered in the holds until October 3rd before the Hokusen Maru joined a convoy and departed Manila. The convoy was attacked by submarines on two different occasions and the Hokusen Maru was one of only four ships left in the convoy to arrive at Hong Kong on October 11th. The Hokusen Maru remained in Hong Kong harbor (where it survived some air attacks) until October 21st when it sailed for Formosa. It arrived at Takao, Formosa on October 24, 1944. The following photo of the Hokusen Maru and the photo of the Melbourne Maru in paragraph 2 k. below were provided by Abel Ortega, Jr. whose father, Abel F. Ortega (“A” Co., 192nd Tank Bn)., was a POW on the Hokusen Maru and on the Melbourne Maru.


Bilibid POW Camp – Transfer Roster

Bilibid POW Camp

Transfer roster for POW’s being transported out of Bilibid.


From transfer roster

Rank: Pvt  (British Army)Name: Linsell, Ernest

Serial #

Destination: Japan

Boarded Hellship / Ship Name: 10/1/1944 Hokusen Maru (destination Japan)

Primary Philippine Camp: Bilibid

Comments: Survived the Sinking of the Hofuku Maru  9/21/1944