
Ernest, prior to being sent to the Far East.

Ernest, prior to being sent to the Far East.

Ernest Frederick Linsell

Born: 8th September 1913

Married: 13th April 1940 to Mary Gray Main Bannatyne

Died: 16th April 1994

Ernest, my grandad was a POW in the Far East during the second world war.  I want to trace his movements from when he left Aldeburgh with the 4th Battalion Suffolk Regiment through to his return to Suffolk after the war.

Hopefully, if you’ve landed on this page doing your own research there will be something you can learn from it.

These pages might get a bit messy over the following months/years, but hopefully there will be some sense amongst it all!

Any copyright material found on this site will be removed on request.  I will endeavour to acknowledge sources where possible.

If you have any queries or relevant information, please email me at